Last updated: 18th October 2023

Affiliate Disclosure

I may have a financial relationship with some of the merchants I mention.

From time to time, my blog posts and pages may contain affiliate links, which means I may get compensated or earn a commission at no extra cost to you if the affiliate links are utilised to make a purchase.

My editorial content, including the advice I provide for educational purposes and the opinion I express on products, services and merchants is not influenced in any way by advertisers or affiliate partnerships and the integrity of my content is in no way compromised by such financial relationships.

I only affiliate with products, services, and merchants that I believe will provide value to my readers. I only endorse products, services and merchants that I have personally used/tested and consider of the highest quality standard.

It remains solely your personal responsibility to conduct your own investigation to determine whether to purchase an affiliate product or service.

You will not rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by me and I cannot be held liable or responsible for any damages resulting from your purchase.