6 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Squarespace Designer

Squarespace is an affordable, user-friendly website platform which is fast becoming popular with new businesses. It's secure, easy to pick up and perfect for anyone wanting to DIY their website. So why should you hire a Squarespace website designer?

In this post we'll be answering this common question and discussing some of the most important reasons why you should consider working with a Squarespace designer for your new website.

Learning a new platform is time-consuming.

As a business owner, a lot of time is spent learning/using different software or platforms. Having to learn yet another to launch your website is a very time consuming process, especially for such a large task. While Squarespace is a very user-friendly platform, it still takes time to learn the ins-and-outs of creating a website from scratch.

Building a website you can truly be proud of, on a website platform you might not have used before, is a big ask. If web design is way out of your comfort zone, the process is just going to stress you out and potentially take longer to complete.

At best, you'll have learnt a new skill and created a website that works for your business. At worst, you'll spend hours struggling to piece together free information about the website platform, and end up wasting time building something you might not even make public.

You're not limited to two weeks.

When you create a Squarespace website, you get a two week free trial before you need to upgrade to a Squarespace plan and start paying for your website. If you haven't finished building you website in this time, you'll need to pay to continue. As a newbie, this two week trial can be limiting and cause you to rush the process of designing your website.

On the other hand, most Squarespace designers are also Squarespace Circle Members, which means they can create websites with a 6-month free trial, opposed to the standard two weeks. Having 6 months means there is no rush for your Squarespace designer to create a website in a certain time period, so the process is planned and refined in more depth.

It's hard to design your own website.

Designing for yourself is twice as hard. Constantly second-guessing the design and comparing it to other websites can be a real drag on the process. Designing the website for Wolf & Wild was far harder than designing for our clients, because it was really difficult to make objective decisions about something that's so important to the success of our business.

Working with an unbiased Squarespace designer will provide you with clarity and help you create a website that actually works for your business, instead of something that might look nice but won't convert. A Squarespace designer will be the person who says "I love that design but it's going to impact your sales. Can we try this instead?"

Related: How to Know If It's Time for a Website Overhaul

Outsourcing is usually a smart move.

If it's not your area of expertise, leaving it to someone else is often the best move you can make for your business. Custom Squarespace website design is an investment, but you can walk away knowing you've saved time and money because your website designer will do the job more efficiently and you'll end up with a better result. In turn, you're likely to make money back on that investment, because your new website will be making sales you weren't otherwise getting.

Outsourcing also saves YOU valuable time than can be spent working in your business. For example, if your business makes money selling custom embroidered t-shirts, your area of expertise is embroidery. You built this business so you could spend your time doing the thing you loved, which in this case is sewing.

Using that precious time to create a website (which you might not even like), isn't a smart move and only means you're losing out on the work you love, and the job that actually moves the needle for you right now.

You'll get more than just a template.

CSS and HTML are scary words for someone who is new to website design. Both of these are types of code that will help make your website more unique. Most people using Squarespace are NOT going to know CSS or HTML, so they'll be relying on the standard Squarespace templates to help design their website.

Unfortunately for them, that means their website is going to look a lot like the other 2.6 million Squarespace websites that are currently floating around on the internet.

If you work with a Squarespace designer that uses CSS and HTML (like us!) they'll be able to create a more unique website with certain styles, aesthetics and functionality. All of our client websites use custom code like this, and it really helps them to standout from the sea of Squarespace templates.

Without these advanced coding skills, it's going to be hard to achieve that custom look.

Related: A Beginner's Guide to Squarespace Custom CSS

You're not just getting a web designer.

You're also getting a developer, strategist, cheerleader, tech adviser and dictionary! (Only half kidding about the dictionary.) A Squarespace designer will have a lot of roles during the creation of your website - not only will they help support and grow your business, but they will also be working to understand your audience and how best to serve them through your website.

They'll also be working to make the process as smooth as possible, and will be able to advise you on things like website domains, getting a professional email, and choosing which Squarespace plan you should purchase.

Related: How to Choose the Right Squarespace Pricing Plan for your Website

A good designer will have a deep understanding of user experience and how to drive sales. This is where DIYing usually costs you the most - even if you're able to figure out the platform and create a website that looks good. Strategy is just as hard to master, and can mean the difference between a 3% and 8% conversion rate.

A Squarespace designer will also know the platform like the back of their hand, and will be able to utilise all the tools and functions available to you!

If you're ready to outsource the task of building a beautiful, effective website for your small business, read more about our custom Squarespace design services.


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