How to Know If It's Time for a Website Overhaul

You might be thinking about redesigning your website - but if you’re not sure, there are plenty of signs to look out for! Here’s a list of some of the top indicators, and if you resonate with any of these, it may be time to take a look at your website options.

Outdated Design

You wouldn’t believe the number of websites in existence that look like they’ve come from the 90s. But even if your website’s age is in the single digits, that can often be enough to seem outdated.

Take a look at your competitors websites. Does yours look old by comparison? If so, it might be time for a design refresh.

Another clue is unresponsive design. If you view your website on mobile, does it look good? Here are some pointers:

  • Can you read the text clearly?

  • Is your content getting cut off?

  • Are all your buttons clickable?

  • Is it easy to navigate?

Responsive design is key to retaining your visitors. More and more people are choosing to access their internet via their phones instead of a desktop. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that at least 30% of your visitors are coming from mobile.

There is also a difference between mobile friendly websites and those that are responsive. Squarespace is great because it allows you to create responsive websites, meaning that the design automatically adapts to any screen size.

On the other hand, platforms like Wix and Showit allow you to build a separate version of your website for mobile. While this can create more freedom with your design, they won’t adapt for every screen size.

Limited Functionality

Does your website ecommerce function perfectly? Are the automations like contact forms, Instagram feeds and scheduling tools integrated seamlessly? Or is it more of a faulty mess?

One of the things I love about Squarespace is how seamless the integrations can be. Third-party tools like Acuity Scheduling and Mailchimp can be connected within minutes. These types of tools run my business, and having them automating things like client calls helps to reduce the hours I work in my business.

If this sounds like something you’d like but can’t currently do, I’d recommend looking into a website update or even switching platforms to one that suits your business better.

High Traffic and Low Conversions

Having lots of traffic but few conversions is a clear sign that something is wrong with your website. For example, if you sell low-price point products, get a lot of website traffic but a small percentage of sales, then your conversion rate is very low.

Likewise, if you sell services like branding or coaching, but few potential clients even contact you, then your website likely isn’t creating much trust.

There are several reasons why people might not trust your website - the most common being an outdated design. It’s much easier to buy from a website that looks like it’s relevant than one that looks like it’s stepped out from the 90s.

That said, your website could be clean, contemporary and even drop-dead gorgeous, but if there’s no strategy behind it, you still won’t get clients and customers.

Your Website No Longer Reflects Your Business

Having a website that no longer reflects what your selling or providing can be a big drain on both you and your leads/sales. Imagine you had an online presence that truly reflected what you offered and the value you bring to the table. 

It would naturally result in an increase in your dream potential clients, rather than the wrong ones. Getting clear on your offerings and showcasing them on a website that attracts your ideal customers will make a huge difference to your leads/sales.

For me, it’s also a huge contributor to the motivation I have to sit down and work on my business everyday. I know I wouldn’t want to put my time and energy into something that didn’t feel like me at all. 

You Don’t Have a Website

It might sound like a no-brainer, but here’s your reminder to get online if you don’t have a website. An online presence can be the kickstarter your business needs to succeed - even if you’re a brick-and-mortar business. In fact, as more people search Google to find the services they need, your business could benefit hugely.


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